We are an ecotourism project (ecobiopsicosocial - spiritual), which seeks to promote through different experiences which are generated integral processes; in pursuit of human development, well-being, the formation of communities; through the activities implemented in our rural areas.

Our Vision

We are an ecotourism project integral, which seeks to promote through experiences in rural areas with different options, including: Contact with Nature, Interaction with Animals and disconnection; contributing to sustainable development at the local level, regional and global levels, provided in each one of the visitors, diversity of activities, well-being and inner peace.

Our Mission

For the year 2030, SAVIEZA LIFE EXPERIENCE S. A. S. It will be supportive to the national and international level of eco-tourism experiences in rural, that last the test of time and be remembered, and the same positioning us as a destination of excellence in the colombian territory.

Sidewalk Susatá, municipality of Nemocón, Cundinamarca, Colombia.

Whatsapp : (+57) 324 531 9256


Our Certificates
A. N. T. 103609

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